Date: June 21, 2023
President Daniel Gibbs called the Club meeting to order.  Mr. Gibbs led the club in the invocation, the pledge of allegiance and the recitation of the 4-Way Test.
There is a Rotary Board Meeting at 8:00 am tomorrow morning at the Prairie Kitchen.
Bob Bates took our two students to the RYLA camp.
James Rosson, Executive Director of the Food and Resource Center of South Central Oklahoma, provided an excellent program about what his organization does. 
He became the Director of FRCSCO in August 2017.  FRCSCO is a nonprofit, formed out of a community collaboration in affiliation with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. They fight hunger in Carter, Johnston, Murray and Love Counties. FRCSCO provides  over a 1.5 million pounds of food a year to thousands of Oklahomans struggling with hunger in South Central Oklahoma. The Food and Resource Center provides groceries to an estimated 1,500 families every month. On average, a family takes home 90 pounds of food per visit, which is equivalent to 75 meals.
10 Members, and 1 guest for a total of 11 were present.
James Rosson, Executive Director of FRCSCO